Plant Your Seeds On Whom You're Becoming!

Have you ever tried visualizing your FUTURE SELF as the best version of your potential?

This is a classic Taoist meditation that’s very effective at the end of winter moving into spring. 

This is a meditation I will be leading in the 3-day mini immersion next Monday-Wednesday, 3/20-22 (sorry for the previous date confusion) at 2 pm each day. By joining you'll receive the recordings if you can't join live.

These will be held virtually on the Empowered Yogi Face Book Group, as short 15-20 minute meditations and practices to relieve chronic pain and anxiety and align your mind to whom you want to become.

The reason why this meditation is so timely is because of the seasonal energy. Currently, we are shifting from the stillness of winter, which cultivates a strong intuition, into new spring growth. 

One of the primary aspects of the Meridian Flow practice is guiding our energy with our attention and breath. And where our mind goes our energy flows.

In this meditation of projecting what our future SELF will be, we are setting our minds to guide our energy to the trajectory of whom we want to become. And it’s so effective! But first, we have to see it.

This is called ‘seeding’ your meditation. Seeds are now sprouting up in the natural world around us, as the yang energy is rising from the depths of the yin winter energy, this is the perfect time to plant our soul seeds on whom we want to become.

When we don’t tend to our inner garden, anything can grow. Weeds of doubt, fear, complacency, bad habits, etc… can grow if they’re not eradicated by our awareness. Just shining the light of awareness on these aspects shifts how we relate to them.

The light of awareness gradually changes us from being a victim of them to seeing them and choosing a different way. 

And then we add in the visualization of what our future self will be, which will naturally guide us to that. It becomes our destination. 

When I was in the thick of my debilitating chronic pain I would journal and meditate on being pain-free and able to move easily. Over time it led me to the practices and meditations that healed me. Now I am whom I visualized

This specific Taoist meditation relates to the 5 elemental stages of life. We look to the next elemental stage and the age that it starts and visualize ourselves at that age in our most radiant self that’s strong and flexible in both mind and body and living a fulfilling life.  

The 5 elemental life stages to review are~ 

  • 0-8 years old: WOOD stage of sprouting and growing

  • 8-33: FIRE the blossoming: of whom we are becoming

  • 33-58: EARTH the fruiting: of hard-working, child-rearing, career building

  • 58-83: METAL letting go: retirement, empty nest, volunteering, mentoring, giving back to society

  • 83-108: WATER of transformation: the sage years of sharing our wisdom 

So let this be a guide to seed your meditations and journaling. If you’re in the earth stage between the ages of 33-58, visualize yourself at 58/59 when the metal stage starts. If you're in the metal stage between 58-83 visualize yourself at 83/84, when the water stage begins.

See yourself as your ultimate expression. Visualize what you look like, whom you’re surrounded by, where you’re living, what you’re pursuing, and what your fulfilling life looks like. See yourself as blessed by being strong and healthy. Seed your mind with this and it will set your trajectory. 

Better to have a plan than not! And the plan can be just simply seeing yourself as this radiant content version, and all else will follow. When you have the goal in sight, your vision will energetically steer you in this direction. 

If we are victims of our current unpleasant circumstances, and that's all we can think about, those are the seeds (or weeds) we are planting. So let’s shift that and start to see ourselves as whom we want to become. And what we practice gets stronger! 

Join me next Monday-Wednesday as we start the spring off with specific practices that will align us to feel free in our bodies and minds so we can grow into our next best version! 

We are ultimately responsible for our own healing.

From my heart light to yours~




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