Discipline = Happiness, why Autumn is the season to strengthen our integrity and discipline.

The Autumn season is in the air!

When we observe the natural inclination that each season's energy influence has, it makes intrinsic sense. It's easy to see how the inspiration is high in the springtime when the energy is sprouting upward to newness and rebirth. Now in the autumn, it's the time of letting go of what we don't need and preparing for the colder darker months ahead.

According to traditional Chinese Medicine's seasonal wisdom, that is overlaid in the Meridian Flow pracitces, the element associated with Autumn energy is metal. Metal's energetic qualities have strong integrity. To have integrity means to have the discipline to do what we say we are going to do. To forsake momentary pleasures for the future reward of our goals strengthens discipline. When we can override the temptation of what we want to do in the moment (ie: stay in bed and watch Netflix all day) by getting up and going to a yoga class, we feel so much better about ourselves, as we are tending to our body, mind, and spirit. We can trust the strength of our WILL to stay in integrity to serve our higher purpose and well-being.

When our integrity is weak, we suffer from shame for disappointing ourselves and others that we let down. So let the autumn energy strengthen the will to do what's best for ourselves. Whether it's choosing to eat better, exercise more, or study regularly, these are all choices that serve our highest potential. And we feel better!

I continually have to practice this when I look at sugary baked goods, that is my weakness. Before I indulge I ask myself, 'how is this going to make me feel in a half hour?' if it's tired, sluggish, irritable, or bloated, then I remember that feeling and choose differently.

The lungs are the organ that is associated with the metal element. The lung energy and it's partner the large intestine, run the strongest in the autumn. Pranayama (breathwork) is essential this time of year. We practice a lot of deep breathing and various pranayama practices throughout the autumn to let go of the grief and sadness held in the lungs. Breathwork helps us stay in our integrity. It brings us to a calm, centered mind where we can make smart choices, rather than impulsive decisions on what we crave at the moment, and regret later.

If you're looking for some support to strengthen your integrity and discipline, join the Autumn Wellness Weekend Master's Path, starting the weekend of 10/8 for yogis who want to align their energy and practices with seasonal energies. This keeps our practice fresh each season, as we focus on the poses and practices that will strengthen the lung energy in the autumn, the kidney energy in the winter, the liver energy in the spring, the heart energy in the early summer and the spleen energy in the late summer. When we balance the energy of the organs, this has a profound ripple effect on the emotions and physical body to come to homeostasis.

These seasonal weekend trainings will provide inner growth as well as a strong, flexible body and a calm centered mind.




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