Reflecting on the Nature of Joy
I received a phone call yesterday from my daughter, who was feeling anxious and manic. I thought, ah yes, right on time with the fire season.
As this fire season rolls in, I start to notice the emotions and patterns of behavior that relate to the energy frequency of this season.
Joy happens to be top on the list.
As well as anxiety and manic thinking.
The heart is energetically running the strongest in the early summer. Our emotions often indicate whether the heart's qi (energy) is balanced or imbalanced.
Joy and peace indicate a balanced heart qi.
Manic, stress, and anxiety indicate imbalanced heart qi.
We can shift out of anxiety and stress when we stop and notice our habit of leaning forward into an "if only" mindset, wishing things were different, or the "something's wrong" mode, when we push away, tensing for what's around the corner.
Looping thoughts affect our body on a cellular level. They determine our happiness set points.
What changes that set point? Being grounded in presence.
~ Now is OK. ~
As Anthony Demello puts it. "When there is absolute cooperation with the inevitable."
Bring friendly attention to the thought loop, an interest, knowing that this is one of the trances we fall into throughout the day.
After discussing all of this with my daughter, I had her close her eyes and regulate her breath:
~ inhale 4 counts
~ exhale 4 counts
for 3 minutes with an inner smile.
Then I had her 'gladden her mind' by putting one hand on her heart, the other on her belly, and speaking out loud about what she loved, what she was grateful for, and what she appreciated. (This can be done silently as well if needed.)
This directs the mind towards joy. We have a tendency to go in the opposite direction. Constantly scanning where the problems are that block joy.
There is so much research on how reflecting on what we are grateful for immediately brings joy to the mind. It changes the body-mind chemistry.
So, what are you grateful for? Say it out loud!
This is a habit that we can cultivate.
And what we practice ~ gets stronger.
We will be practicing this, plus kundalini kriyas, meridian flow, and qigong sets, this weekend to cultivate more joy and relieve stress and anxiety. (see below for more details.)
...and you'll get a free homemade vegan lunch to share with like-minded yogis!
Hope to see you this weekend!