In the autumn when the energy is traveling inward, we have the opportunity to strengthen our EMOTIONAL ENDURANCE.

Each season the energy of the natural world corresponds to the frequency and vibration of different organs and emotions, according to traditional Chinese medicine and what we focus on in the Meridian Flow. We can use this to our advantage by strengthening the virtue that's easiest to access in the specific season. In autumn, when the energy is starting to travel inwards, there is compression in the atmosphere that can be physically felt. If our energy flow is weak, then we suffer from the challenging emotions of excessive sadness and grief. We see the leaves falling and plants returning to the earth as the natural world is letting go of what once was.

But if the energy is strong and running efficiently then we can cultivate the positive attributes of the metal element: integrity, discipline, courage, and emotional endurance. This can be done by activating and strengthening the meridian pathways of the lungs and large intestine that run up and down the arms. This energy is part of the metal element that corresponds to the lung chi frequency. To enhance the flow we guide the energy by inhaling up the large intestine meridian and exhaling down the lung meridian, which provides strong integrity, discipline, and emotional endurance.

But when our lung chi is weak, from limp weak arms (sitting at a computer all day) this can result in slumped shoulders and a stagnant energy flow of the heart and lung meridians that both run through the arms. This can show up emotionally as depression, a lack of integrity, weak discipline, and suffering from excessive sadness and grief.

To strengthen it we look back to the previous season, as each season energetically feeds the next season. The earth element, from the late summer, feeds the metal element. The earth element corresponds to the stomach and spleen energies, as the spleen is the energetic mother to the lungs. The spleen meridian runs from the big toe of the inner leg of the body to the armpits the stomach meridian runs from the cheekbones down the front body front legs to the second toe.

Holding poses is also part of the earth element to build strong muscles as well as mental strength so we can build our lung chi with emotional endurance, integrity, and discipline so we can run optimally and feel confident, and strong with a wide open heart to serve others.




The OBSERVING mind is our wisest and kindest teacher.


Yi Qi Li, is a specific practice that relieves anxiety, depression and auto-immune symptoms...