Drop Resistance to Peace

I had an interesting realization this morning. I woke up feeling heavy-hearted for no particular reason.

Sadness was up for me. I wanted to distract myself by scrolling on my phone, but I quickly realized that wasn't a great plan.

I wrote in my journal some reasons that triggered sadness, but still, they didn't seem enough to elicit a heavy heart.

So I sat on my meditation cushion and allowed my heavy heart to just BE. I let sadness be there without analyzing it, to float... and then came peace.

There is something so profound that happens when we allow whatever emotion is up - to be. Even if it doesn't make sense, it provides space and quiet for it to reside.

Our emotions are felt in our hearts. They're like waves in the ocean, coming and going, some big, some choppy, some small, and some relentless. And below the emotions, deep down in the heart, like deep down on the ocean floor, below the tumultuous waves of emotions, is the heart light, our divine light that is known to always be at peace.

This light is where my meditation leads me. It teaches me that we can be at peace when we allow all emotions to BE without resistance.

I observed the distraction of wanting to make coffee and amp myself out of sadness, but after lots of experience, I know that what we resist persists, and what we feel can heal.

This reminded me of the teaching I spoke about in my Sacred Sunday class about having a strong back and a soft front. Feeling our vulnerability gives us strength!

When I allow my difficult emotions to be and move through them without resistance, I gain the inner fortitude to accept others' challenging emotions without trying to distract or change them.

From personal experience, I know that being in the company of someone who can accept me in whatever state I'm in is such a gift. I do this for myself so I can show up for others and allow them to feel safe - so they don't have to pretend they're fine when they're not.

This early summer fire season is when our hearts are energetically running the strongest and the easiest time to bring them into balance. So allow the feelings that come up, give them space and attention so they can heal, and you will reside in peace, which is the natural inclination of the heart.




Discernment vs Judgement


I AM This Light