Become the alchemist of your energy...turn your metal into gold.

In the autumn sadness and grief can weigh heavy on our chests. In Chinese medicine, the emotion of grief resides in our lungs. The lungs and large intestine are energetically running the strongest in the autumn and their main function is to let go. The emotions of sadness and grief are part of the seasonal energy in the fall. Difficult emotions have intelligence behind them, and grief's intelligence is ultimately about letting go. Letting go isn’t easy, but it relieves the suffering of attachment.

One of the best ways we can soothe our grief is by being of benevolence to others. Benevolence is one of the attributes of strong lung Chi. To be benevolent is often connected to compassion. Compassion and empathy have similar aspects of feeling what others are feeling, but compassion takes it one step further and reaches out to help.

When we are empathetic and feel the difficulties of others it can weigh us down, but reaching out to help actually uplifts our spirits. Being of service to others can show up in many different ways. Volunteering, donating, and lending a helping hand are always great ways to serve. But in more subtle ways, just being a good listener and showing up for others that might be lonely or going through a rough time can provide so much relief and be a win-win.

In this way, we are turning our metal energy into gold.

The sad energy that we are subject to this time of year can be transformed by shifting grief into service. By serving we are benevolent and this is how we can create alchemy, turning base metal into gold.

Here is a story from my book, The Empowered Yogi, that was shared by Tara Brach to illustrate the capacity we all have to turn our darkest experiences into gold by being a benefit to others.

A few years ago a fourteen-year-old boy was shot and killed by a young gang member in Washington DC. The mother of the murdered boy went to the court hearing of her son’s killer, who was also fourteen. After the sentencing, she walked up to the murderer of her son, looked him in the eye, and said to him, ‘I’m going to kill you.’

After several months this mother went to visit her son’s murderer in the juvenile home. She asked him if anyone else came to visit him, and he replied, "No ma’am, I don’t have anyone else." She continued to visit him every month, bringing him books and snacks, and got to know a bit about him. When the time came closer to his release, she asked him what his plans were when he was free. He said he didn’t have any plans. She asked where he would live. He didn’t know. She then told him of a friend of hers who was looking for someone to help him with his business and if he would be willing to help out. He said yes he would. She told him that she now had a spare bedroom where he could stay. He agreed.

After several months of him living with her and working for her friend, she sat him down and asked him, “‘Do you remember when I told you that I was going to kill you?’” He replied, “‘Yes ma’am I certainly do.’” She then said, “Well I think I have. I did not want the boy that killed my son to live on this earth. That's why I came to visit you. That's why I offered to get you a job and give you a place to live and feed you. That's how I set about changing you. That old boy is gone. I want to ask you, now that that old boy is gone, the killer is gone, and my son is gone, will you stay here with me? I want to adopt you if you will let me." His eyes welled up with tears and said, "Yes I would." And she became the mother of her son's murderer, the mother he never had.

This incredible story is an example of how we can either dwell in our grief, anger, and sadness and let it “rust our metal” or take that energy of grief and “turn it into gold” with our service to the world.

We can soothe our emotions, which are energy, by breathing deeply and moving in the rhythm of the breath. This is how we release emotional and physical tension. In the Meridian Flow, we add another layer by focusing the mind to guide the energy through the meridians while breathing and moving. This clears the turbid mind and brings it back to clarity, where wisdom resides.

Come join us so you can show up for the world and be of service.

The Meridian Flow class Monday at 6:15

Meridian Yin and Qigong Tuesdays noon

Meridian Basics Thursdays 11:15.

If you, or anyone you know, could use relief from grief, anxiety, depression or auto-immune issues please join us, you'll be so happy you did.

From my heart light to yours~




Cultivate the Opposite... and learn how to train your mind.


The way we BREATHE affects the way we THINK.